Widget: Picture + Text



The Picture + text Widget displays an image on a page or layout. You also have the option to enter text and title from the same widget.

Insert Widget

To get a widget visible on the website you must add it to a page or to a layout. In this document you can read how widgets are placed within the page or layout.


  • Drag the new widget to the correct column or row within the page or layout.
  • In the overview, select all available widgets for the Picture + Text widget.



Before it is possible to use images in e-Captain or on your website, you will have to upload them to e-Captain. This can be done before you get started with the widgets or during the placement of a widget. Pay attention! The allowed file types for images are GIF, JPG, JPEG and PNG.

You can read more about this on the page
Upload images in e-Captain.

Settings Picture and text widget

After releasing the Picture + text widget on the right location, the settings screen will appear.




  • Click Search to add an image and this screen opens: 




  • You can easily select or adjust an image here.
  • Click insert to use the image in the Images and text widget.


  • Panel: select panel
  • Image: select image
  • Title: select title
  • Image alignment: alignment Left, Right, Middle.
  • Display image description in image: Show description in image YES or NO.
  • Add link: add link to image
  • Open link in: same window, new window
  • Default padding bottom: Set standard blank space between widgets
  • Image on mouse-over: Select mouse over image. Make sure that the image is the same to avoid jumping. On mobile devices this is visible after a click on the image. If a link is linked, double click
  • Image effect: none, rounded corners, framed or image circle
  • Visible: Option to show or hide the image.

Text editor

More information about using the text editor can be found in on the page text editor in e-Captain.


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In the example below an Picture + text widget has been placed with an image of the e-Captain logo. This image has an alignment to the right. In addition, an example of Dispi B.V. This image has been added via the text editor.
  • By clicking the Icon afbeeldingen toevoegen   icon in the text editor, you can add multiple images to the text editor. 


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e-Captain has a very extensive Member Management package. We offer several basic trainings which teach you to work with e-Captain in an accessible way.  The trainings take place at our office in  's-Hertogenbosch.

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To be able to support you optimally, it can be easy to look with you on your computer from a distance. We use TeamViewer to do this. TeamViewer makes it possible to take over your computer from a distance.

 Download TeamViewer


This page was last updated on: 8 August 2018