My Captain - Members searching members


The complete module Members search members has been rewritten for Website Management 2. The module has also been merged with the Photobook. You can create multiple views and, depending on the settings of the organization, members can also choose which fields they want to see.

To use this functionality a link must be placed on the webpage of the organization and the member must have login details for the My Captain section of the website. In the default My Captain menu, Members search members is not yet included. If you use the standard My Captain menu on your website, then you must add this link.

Systempage My captain members search members

The systempage My Captain Members search members  should be linked to your own menu or the My Captain menu. 

  • Click Site Management 2 in the main menu
  • Choose Menus in the sub menu
  • Select the right menu that should be linked to this link
  • Click on the IconM hamburger icon to see the menu overview. 




  • Click on the IconS Plusje icon to add a new item.  




  • Name the menu item. 
  • Click Search to add a link.




  • Select Page as a type.
  • Choose the My Captain map.
  • Select the Item Members searching members to link the systempage to the menu item.



Link on your own website

If the website is made in a package other than e-Captain, the administrator of the website can add the following link to his own website:



Install Members search members fields

  • Choose within the main menu for Managementcenter
  • Click on My captain - Websitemanagement 2
  • Choose Maintain available fields (external)



All fields that can be set by a member such as: Name, address, marital status, gender, telephone number, etc. are available on the Maintenance page (external).

  • In the column under the IconM lzl icon it is possible to check or uncheck certain fields. All check marks that are added to the fields below this icon are visible in the module members search members.
  • If all the fields that need to be used for member search members are selected, click the Save button at the bottom of the page. The fields are then updated and visible on the website


IconS Oog Show fields member searching members
IconS Edit Change
IconS add Required field
IconM lzl Show information in Members searching member
IconM webshop Webshop (optional module)

Systempage members search members

Now the Members search members page is linked to the menu of your organziaton, you can adjust the settings of the system widget.

  • Open the systempage Members search members, which can be found in the My Captain file.



  • Click in the members search members widget on the  IconS Edit icon.


Widget settings




If this option is set to Yes, all members are in the members list.
Members can then state whether they want to be visible or not. With option No is automatic. With option No there is no member in the member list by default. They can indicate whether they want to be visible.

  • Determine whether members can change their own visibility in the Members search module.
  • Which types can be searched for: Current members, non-members and former members.
  • Determine a representation of the list of members: 1 person per row, 2 people per row, 3 people per row.
  • Determine how many members are visible on the page.
  • Determine whether the information in the members card is expanded (visible) or closed is shown on the page.
  • Hide the fields that are empty (not known) or that are not shared. This will only show the fields with information in the membership card on the page.
  • Hide or show the names of the categories, so you no longer see any difference between the General, Contact, Free fields, etc., management fields.
  • Determine whether members can print the information from the membership card. If this setting is set to YES, a print button will appear in the membership card.

Option to show or hide the widget.

  • No: widget is not visible to anyone.
  • Yes: widget is visible to everyone
  • If logged in: widget only visible if member is logged in.
  • If not logged in: widget only visible if one is not logged in.
  • Visible to selection: must someone meet the criteria specified in the selection. (Eg member of certain group or must be logged in)
  • Not visible for selection: here the selection logic is reversed. So you can exclude people. (For example, not a member of this group or not logged in)

Members search members on filter

After all fields have been defined, it is possible for members to view this data via My Captain.

Log in to the My Captain environment with the login details provided by the association.
• Click on the Member Search members link in the My Captain menu




  • The filters on the top only become active if Groups are defined in Maintain available fields (external).




Now it is possible to set a filter that only members in a certain group are visible in the overview of members.

  • After selecting one or more groups, click the Apply filter button.
  • The list of members at the bottom is immediately updated with the filter.

Get the most out of e-Captain!

e-Captain has a very extensive Member Management package. We offer several basic trainings which teach you to work with e-Captain in an accessible way.  The trainings take place at our office in  's-Hertogenbosch.

View our trainings



To be able to support you optimally, it can be easy to look with you on your computer from a distance. We use TeamViewer to do this. TeamViewer makes it possible to take over your computer from a distance.

 Download TeamViewer


This page was last updated on: 1 August 2018