


Our layout means how the structure of a graphic design visually looks. It then concerns the position of, for example, the text or image on the page, the layout in columns, where the images are, et cetera.

The color, font and margins are in the theme, it is linked to the layout. A good layout ensures that the information is easy to recognize and read. The layout is therefore strictly distinguished from the content.

Each page can have one layout. The layout provides the website with the fixed elements. An example of this is, for example, the footer that appears in a website. If we want to return it to many pages, it is useful to make a layout for it. This is then linked by you to the page that you want to provide with this information.
• In the main menu, select Websitemanagement 2.
• Click the Layout item in the submenu.



IconS Plusje Add New layout
IconS Groen Standard Layout Standard layout
IconS Oog View View layout
IconS Edit Edit Change layout
IconS Delete Delete Delete layout
IconS Eigenschappen Properties Layout properties

Lay-out basic definition

We use a live website demo to show what happens on a page if you create or change a lay-out and text: 




The upper bar shows a summary of your lay-out with your name, type and width.



  • Through Settings you can go to lay-out settings.
  • This screen shows the name of the lay-out. It also shows the standard theme of your website.


All changes to the layout editor are done in draft mode. This means that an adjustment can not be seen live on the website.
• You can view the concept in the meantime via the View concept button.
• Use the Publish button to show the page changes online.
• If you want to undo the draft adjustments, you can click the Undo button.

How the layout screen works: Add row

Underneath the upper bar are two green blocks; add new widget and add new row.




  • Move your mouse over the green block New row. You will see the mouse pointer will change into an Icon versleep icon.
  • Press the left mouse button and drag the green blcok New Row down to where you want to add the new row in your layout.


Layout 007

  • Release the left mouse button at the location you want to place the new row.
  • You will see a pop-up in the screen where you can choose the number of columns for the row.




  • In this example, the row is divided into 3 columns.



Operation of layout screen: Adjust column width

You can see a few rows in the lay-out screen. These rows can be divided in 12 columns max. These colomn deviation doesnt have to be the same as the rows above.

Layout 008

Operation of lay-out screen: Add widget

After creating a new lay-out, adding the rows and linking a theme, we will dress up the layout. This is done in e-Captain using widgets. e-Captain contains many different widgets. You can drag a widget to a column to place it there. For example, if you want to write a piece of text, drag a Text widget to the appropriate column and a text editor will appear where you can write the text. If you want to put an image in a column, drag an Image widget to the right place.

Just below the navigation bar there is a line with two green blocks, New widget and New row.




  • Move your mouse over the green block New widget. You will see that the mouse pointer changes to an drag Icon versleep icon.
  • Hold down your left mouse button and drag the green block New widget downwards where you want the new widget in your lay-out.


Layout 018


  • Release the left mouse button on the location where you want the new widget within your layout.
  • You will get a pop-up on the screen where you can indicate which widget you want to place in the layout.




Click on the widget you want to use in your layout. In this example, a Text widget is added to the column.



Link theme

The theme you have created is currently linked to the layout. As a result, the theme is taken over by the underlying rows and columns. It is possible to specify a different theme on a separate row or a separate column within a row.

Lay-out theme

This is the standard layout theme that is set when the new layout was created. The teme is an obligatory field when creating a new layout.

If you want to change the theme of an existing lay-out click Settings in the navigation bar of the lay-out.



  •  Click the  IconS Edit icon behind the theme you want to change.



  • The right section of this screen shows an example of the selected theme.
  • Select the right theme and press save.
  • The theme will now be linked to the lay-out.

Lay-out Row theme or Column theme

To change the theme of a row/column within your layout, click the IconS Editicon on te lower rightside of the concerning row/column.




In the pop-up that opens, depending on how many columns your row exists upon, you will see a number of options for linking a theme. In the example above, we use a row that is divided into 3 columns.
• By linking a theme to Theme full row, the theme will be implemented on that separate row.
• By linking a theme to Theme column #, the theme is applied to that separate column within that row.



This makes it possible to use different themes within the created layout.


Move widgets and rows

It is possible to move the individual rows within the layout.
• Move your mouse to the row you want to move.
• A menu appears at the bottom right of the row. Cms 036a
• Click on the Icon versleep icon and hold down the left mouse button. Now you can move the row within the layout. Widgets that are placed in an existing row that are moved along.
• Release the left mouse button at the location where you want to place the row within your layout.

Layout 018

You can also move widgets within the layout. Widgets can be moved within the row, but also to another row. Multiple widgets can be placed in the same column.
• Move your mouse over the widget you want to move.
• You will see that the mouse pointer changes to an Icon versleepicon.
• Hold down your left mouse button and drag the widget to a column where you want the widget in your layout
Layout 019

Page content

When creating a new layout, e-Captain adds a row. The row System: page content matters. The layout you create can be linked to a page. In this row comes the page content that you can create under the item Pages.


Example lay-out website

In the image below (move mouse over image) you see a basic layout of a website. From the top down:
• Header / logo
• Page / content
• Company information / Login
• Footer / disclaimer

Layout 023a
Layout 023b

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This page was last updated on: 6 August 2018