Search by filter


Introduction filters

To use filters in Membership administration, follow the following steps:

  • Select Management centre in the main menu
  • Select Membership management
  • In administration, select Filter maintenance




Set Filters


To use filters in Membership administration, follow the following steps:

  • Select Management centre in the main menu
  • Select Membership management
  • In administration, select Filter maintenance


  • Provide a name for the filter you intend to create.
  • In this example, we create a filter for all members 16 years old or older.


  • Select the Save button to get the following options.


  • Select the correct query in the drop-down box and set values.


  • Select the Add button to add the query.
  • Select a second query if required to narrow down the search.


  • The filter is now stored and ready for use.
  • Go to the Membership administration screen.


  • And select the arrow following Filter


  • Select [Select a filter]
  • Select the filter that was created in the pop-up screen.


  • The filtered query will now be shown in the membership administration screen.

TIP: By using the Filter maintenance option IconM_Filter icon, you can change the filter from the membership administration screen.


Create a query

An extra phenomenon are boolean operators. They make it possible to combine multiple criteria to one question.

A search question with 2 criteria:

  • I'ld like a (1) cup of coffee with (2) blue colour.
  • I'm looking for (1) a bus with (2) number 65.
  • I'm looking for everyone with zipcode (1) 5000 to (2) 6000
  • I'm looking for members of (1) the committee if they are (2) woman.
  • I want to find all (1) volunteers of (2) Assen.

A query with three criteria:

  • I'ld like a (1) coffeecup with (2) blue colour (3) without handle
  • I'm looking for (1) men (2) aged 20 from (3) Gouda
  • I'm looking for (1) all committeemembers (2) under 40 (3) and above 20

A query with 3 criteria:

  • I'm looking for a (1) screen (2) flatscreen (3)black, (4) 55 cm
  • All people between (1) 20 and (2) 40 years old (3) with driverslicence from (4) Noord-Brabant

We assume all the selected fields are present in your e-Captain versie in the examples used above.

Boolean operators

Boolean operators are used to combine elements in a certain way within 1 question. These operators can be used in multiple searching systems. You can use two types of Boolean Operators:


OR : When you look for something at least one of your tags is present in.

AND: When you're looking something that has all your tags combined in the result.


Get the most out of e-Captain!

e-Captain has a very extensive Member Management package. We offer several basic trainings which teach you to work with e-Captain in an accessible way.  The trainings take place at our office in  's-Hertogenbosch.

View our trainings



To be able to support you optimally, it can be easy to look with you on your computer from a distance. We use TeamViewer to do this. TeamViewer makes it possible to take over your computer from a distance.

 Download TeamViewer


This page was last updated on: 30 July 2018