Widget: Comments



The Comments widget allows you to add a comment system to a layout, page, or news story. This allows members to respond to posted news items or on a page. To do this, the members must log in with the login details that are also used for the My Captain environment.

To make a widget visible on the website you must add it to a page or to a layout. On the page about widgets you can read how widgets are placed within the page or layout.
• Drag the new widget to the correct column or row within the page or layout.
• In the overview, select all available widgets for the Comments widget. More information about widgets you can read on the page called:



Settings Comment widget

After releasing the comments widget, the settings screen appears.




Properties Comment widget

  • Title: give up a title for the comments system
  • Title alignment: align title in column left, center or right
  • Items per page: fill in how many comments you want to show
  • Message if nog logged in: this is the text that your visitors see if you are not logged in.
  • If not logged in: show message + login button, show message or redirect to loginpage
  • Show photo: show photo yes or no
  • Visible: yes or no

Manage Comments widget e-Captain

Messages posted by non-members in the guest book on your organization's website can be managed from e-Captain if this proves necessary.

• In the main menu, choose Management Center.
• Click on the Website Management 2 component.
• Select the Management Comments widget item.



  • In the upper part of the settings you can indicate how many messages per page can be shown.
    • You can also add members here as Response widget administrator.



Manage Comments widget on website

In addition to the management option of the Response widget within the management center of e-Captain, you also have the option to manage the responses from the website side of your organization. For this purpose, the person who does the management must be a member of the Reaction widget administrator group.

• Click on Member management in the main menu.
• Select the right employee who will manage the guest book messages.
• Open the membercard and go to the Groups tab.
• Open the Quick Layout button and give the employees the rights for the Comments Manager

Reacties 011


Save to return to the membercard.



  •  When the response administrator logs on to the members section of the website, the administrator has more options in the Response widget.


Reacties 019


Reacties 014 Change comment on a page or newsmessage.
Reacties 015 Place comment on a page or newsmessage.
Reacties 016 Delete comment on a page or newsmessage.

Example responses Newsmessages

The Comments widget can also be placed in the system page of the news items. This allows members to respond to a news message from the organization.

• Click on Website Management 2 in the main menu.
• Select Pages in the submenu.
• Click System Pages.



  • Select newspage and click the IconS Edit icon.
  • Add a new row and place the Comments widget.



Get the most out of e-Captain!

e-Captain has a very extensive Member Management package. We offer several basic trainings which teach you to work with e-Captain in an accessible way.  The trainings take place at our office in  's-Hertogenbosch.

View our trainings



To be able to support you optimally, it can be easy to look with you on your computer from a distance. We use TeamViewer to do this. TeamViewer makes it possible to take over your computer from a distance.

 Download TeamViewer


This page was last updated on: 7 August 2018