Widget: Last x Newsitems



With the Widget Last x news items you can indicate how many latest news items and from which category news items are visible on the website.

Insert Widget

To get a widget visible on the website you must add it to a page or to a layout. In this document you can read how widgets are placed within the page or layout.

• Drag the new widget to the correct column or row within the page or layout.
• In the overview, select all available widgets for the Latest news items widget.


Settings widget last x newsitems

After releasing the Last x newsitems widget, the settings screen opens.


The following settings may change when choosing whether or not to use an image. Also when choosing a particular view, certain settings will / will not be visible.


  • Title: widget title of the widget, visible on top of page
  • Number of items*: how many news messages are displayed in the widget
  • Display*: select how the news overview appears on the page: Side by side (Grid), Among themselves (List), Together (List) - simple view
  • Number of items per row*: How many news items per row (horizontal format)
  • Alignment news title/image: align left, center or right
  • Show image: show image / thumbnail Yes or No
  • Image on bottom instead of top: show image on bottom
  • Fixed image height: give image a fixed height in pixels
  • Show date: show date Yes or No
  • Show category: show category Yes or No
  • Show category color: show category color Yes or No
  • Show author: show author Yes or No
  • Show short text: show short text Yes or No
  • Show 'Read more' button: Show read more button Yes or No
  • Show 'Read more...' in the text: Show read more... in the text Yes or No
  • Show 'To news overview' button: Show to news overview button left near the last x newsitems
  • Show line below newsmessage: Show line between newsmessages Yes or No
  • Number of characters short text: Number of characters short text
  • Select news category: Only news items of the selected category are then displayed. Of course, you can also choose All categories
  • Visible: Yes or No


The Last x news items widget provides a brief overview of the latest news items on your website. By clicking on a news item the message is opened in a news page. It is possible that you may want to use a different layout for the news page, or if it has a different lay-out than your website. Below you can read how you can adjust the news page.

• Click on Website Management 2 in the main menu.
• Select the Pages section in the submenu.
• Then click on the System Pages folder.




  • Click at the IconS Edit icon in the system page newsmessage.
  • Click settings on top of the page.



The following screen will open:




  • Title page*: Here you can enter a different title for the news page.
  • Layout: Here you can link a different layout to the news page.
  • URL*: Here you can change the web address of the news page.
  • Page theme: Hier kunt u een standaard thema koppelen aan de nieuws pagina.
  • Page icon: Here you can add an icon to the news page.
  • Index page: can this page be indexed in the results of searchengines Yes or No


Adjust results page

You can also adjust the results page:

  • Choose Website management 2 in the main menu
  • Click Pages in the sub menu
  • Choos in the Systempages folder the Newsoverview
  • Open the systempage Newsoverview  


  • Click the IconS Edit icon to open the settings of Systempage News overview.




  • Number of results per page*: fill in a number for the results per page
  • Select news category: select one or more categories.
  • Show items next to each other instead of below each other: Yes or No
  • Show 'Read more' button: Yes or No
  • Show 'Read more...' in the text: Yes or No
  • Show author: Show author Yes or No
  • Visible: Yes or No

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This page was last updated on: 9 August 2018