

What is a theme?

A theme is a collection of settings that deal with the display of (a part of) the page. Here we indicate text and background colors. Also font and for example a background image can be set here. Themes can be set at different levels, more information can be found in the chapter layout.

  • In the main menu, select Site Management 2.
  • Click the Themes item in the submenu.




IconS Plusje Toevoegen Aanmaken van een nieuw thema
IconS Oog Bekijken Bekijken van het thema
IconS Edit Bewerken Wijzigingen aan het thema aanbrengen
IconS Delete Verwijderen Verwijderen van een thema
IconS Eigenschappen Eigenschappen Eigenschappen thema bewerken

Theme example

When creating a new theme or changing an existing theme you will see this change in a preview screen. If you adjust a setting and save it with the Save Changes button, the example of the theme will become visible.

This gives you direct insight into the styling of your website, without having to consider any change to the theme, when publishing the website.

Theme parts

In the new CMS it is possible to add instead of a link, a standard button with the linked link.
Edit a text widget.
• Click in the editor on the Link icon to insert a link.
• Indicate in the pop-up which type of link it is and what it refers to.
• Choose the Button option by type of link.

When creating a new theme, you have several options that you can set. The separate components are described below:

Theme name: the name of the theme. With the Copy color scheme link, it is possible to load a predefined theme.



  •  Foreground theme: foreground color of the theme, this is visible in the color of the buttons




  •  Theme color background: background color of the theme, this is visible in the text color of the buttons





  • Normal text: below we mean all text with the exception of the links and headers.




  • With the link font settings a pop-up is opened with which the different font settings become visible




  • In the font setting screen you have the option to select the font. This can be a standard font or a choice from the Google webfont database with a collection of hundreds of free fonts.


If you choose Google webfont, you will be given the option to enter a font



  •  It is also possible to specify an alternative font. This option is available because there is always a possibility that the servers of Google can not be accessed. This will show the alternative font on your website.



  • If you have made the choice to use a certain font for your website, you can implement this for the entire theme. By checking the box for the question Apply these settings to all fonts, this setting is also applied to the links and the various headers.





  • Color:  In the background item, the colour of the background can be set.
  • Image: It's possible to select an image as background.




  • Repeat: This makes it possible to define the position of the image on your website.





With the section on the left you can define the behavior of a link on your website. The color and the font type of the links can be adjusted here.





Headings on your web page are a means to be better found in the search engines. They also ensure that your information is clearly displayed. The color, the font and the size can be adjusted here. This setting also applies to the titles of the widgets.





The styling of the buttons can be adjusted here. For example, the navigation buttons or the button read more in the news reports. In this section the text size and type can be adjusted. It is also possible to complete the corners of buttons.





The padding indicates the margin within each section of your website the theme is linked to. 




With the values from the above image, the margin on the left would be 30 pixels. For example, text or images will indent 30 pixels from the edge. The following illustration shows the side room settings from the image above. The orange area is the available section for the text or images, for example.



Advanced CSS

In the field below you can create and style your own CSS classes. This can be useful if you want to style elements that are not available in a theme by default. For example extra line under a header.




Theme use

In the screen of the theme is a part in which you can see at a glance, on which parts of your website, this theme is active.




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This page was last updated on: 17 May 2018