


If you have created a layout, you can then create a page. Each page has a link that can be viewed by the website visitor. A page can be linked to a layout in e-Captain. A page, just like the layout, consists of one or more rows and columns. As a result, a page can also have its own layout. After making the first page you can publish it and view it online.


  • In the main menu, select Website management 2.
  • Click on the item Pages in the submenu.




IconS Plusje Add Add page
IconS Oog View View page
IconS Edit Edit Edit page
IconS Delete Delete Delete page
IconS Eigenschappen Properties Page properties

Page content

When creating a new layout, e-Captain adds a row. It is the row System: page content. The layout you create can be linked to a page. In this row comes the page content.


Basic definitions pages

We use a live website demo for the example so that you can see what happens in the page, the layout and the text.
live website demo

  • Click on the IconS Plusje icon to create a new page.
  • Specify a title for the page. The direct URL is created immediately.


  • Click Continue to create the new page.




The upper bar shows a summay of your page with the name, URL, and a few shortcuts.




  • Click Settings to change the settings.




Title page Give up the title of your page
Layout Here you see which layout is chosen voor the used page. You can change it here
URL e-Captain genereert op basis van de pagina titel automatisch een URL. Deze kunt u desgewenst ook aanpassen
Page theme Hier kunt u het standaard thema voor de pagina selecteren. Als u deze optie leeg laat wordt het thema uit de gekozen lay-out gebruikt.
Page icon Optioneel kunt u een icoon koppelen aan de pagina. Deze wordt dan naast de paginatitel getoond.
Index page Met deze optie kunt u de pagina uitsluiten van indexering door zoekmachines. Standaard staat deze optie op JA en wordt de pagina automatisch meegenomende door indexering van zoekmachines.
Category Selecteer hier de categorie. Pagina categoriën kunt u aanmaken en beheren in het Beheercentrum. Deze wordt getoond in de widget Widget: Laatste x paginas.
Publication Hier stelt u de prublicatie start en eventueel stop datum in
Highlighted image Hier kunt u een afbeelding koppelen aan de pagina. Deze wordt getoond in de widget Widget: Laatste x paginas.
Image mouseover Hier kunt u een mouseover afbeelding koppelen. Deze wordt getoond in de widget Widget: Laatste x paginas zodra gebruikers met hun muis over de eerder getoonde afbeelding gaan.
Link tags Hier kunt u tags koppelen aan een pagina. De gebruikte tags zorgen voor een betere vindbaarheid in de website als gebruikers de zoekfunctie gebruiken. Type een tag in en sluit af met enter. De ingevoerde tags vind u terug in het Beheercentrum waar u de tags verder kunt beheren en eventueel verwijderen.
Brief description Hier kunt u een korte samenvatting kwijt. Deze wordt getoond in de widget Widget: Laatste x paginas.

All changes in the page editor are done in draft mode. This means that an adjustment can not be seen live on the website.


  • You can view the concept in the meantime via the button.
  • Use the Publish button to make the changes page online.
  • If you want to undo the draft adjustments, you can click the Undo button.

How the page screen works: add row

Just below the navigation bar, there is a line with two green blocks, New widget and New row.



  • Move your mouse over the green block  New row. You will see that the mouse pointer changes to an  Icon versleep icon.
  • Keep the left mouse button pressed in and drag the green blow New row down to where you want to place the new row.


Pagina 009

  • Release the left mouse button where you want to place the new row.
  • A pop-up screen appears in which you can choose how many columns the row should have. 


 In this example, the row is divided into three columns.



Working of the page: Adjusting column width

The page screen shows a number of rows.  These rows can be divided in 12 columns maximum. This does not have to bee the same as the rows above.

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  • The width can be adjusted by holding the mouse pointer above a column edge. 
  • Hold the left mouse button and drag the column sideline to the left or right, to create the layout you had in mind.


Working of the screen page: Add widget

After creating a new page, adding the rows and linking a theme, we will dress up the page. This is done in e-Captain using widgets. e-Captain contains many different widgets. You can drag a widget to a column to place it there. For example, if you want to write a piece of text, drag a text widget to the appropriate column and a text editor will appear where you can write the text. If you want to put an image in a column, drag an image widget to the right place.

Just below the navigation bar, there is a line with two green blocks, New widget and New row.





  • Move the mouse over the green block New Wedgit. You can see the mouse pointer change to an  Icon versleep icon.
  • Hold your left mouse button and drag the green bock New Widget down to where you want to place the widget on your page.

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  • Release the left mouse button at the location you want to place the new widget.
  • A pop-up will appear where you can assign the type of the widget.




  • Click on the widget you want to use. In this example, a text widget is added to the column.



Link a theme

The theme you have created is currently linked to the layout. As a result, the theme is taken over by the underlying rows and columns. It is possible to specify a different theme on a separate row or a separate column within a row. It is also possible to specify a different theme on page level and even within the page on the various rows and columns.

Page theme

This is the default theme of the page that is specified when creating a new page. This theme, unlike a layout theme, is not a mandatory field when creating a new page. If no theme is specified for the page, the theme specified in the layout will be leading on the new page.

• Click the Settings button in the navigation menu to set or change the theme for the page.




  • Click the IconS Edit icon behind the theme.




  • In the right part of this screen you will see an example of the selected theme.
  • Select the right theme and click the Save button.
  • The theme will now be linked to the page.

Page row/column theme

To give a column/row a diffrent theme, click the IconS Edit icon on the lower right side of the concerning row. 



In the pop-up that opens, depending on how many columns your row exists of, you will see a number of options for linking a theme. In the example above, we use a row that is divided into 3 columns.

  • By linking a theme to Theme full row, the theme will be implemented on that separate row.
  • By linking a theme to Theme column #, the theme is applied to that separate column within that row.




This makes it possible to use different themes within the created page or layout. 

Move widgets and rows

It is possible to move the individual rows within the layout.

  • Move your mouse to the row you want to move.
  • A menu appears at the bottom right of the row
  • Click on the drag icon and hold down the left mouse button. Now you can move the row within the page. Widgets that are placed in an existing row that are moved along.
  • Release the left mouse button at the location where you want to place the row within your layout.


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You can also move widgets within the page. Widgets can be moved within the row, but also to another row. Multiple widgets can be placed in the same column.

  • Move your mouse over the widget you want to move.
  • You will see that the mouse pointer changes to a drag icon.
  • Hold down your left mouse button and drag the widget to a column where you want the widget in your page.


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Page status

In the page overview there is a colored icon for the name of the page. This icon indicates whether or not the page is live and published.



IconS statusgroen Green Page is live, there are no changes made in this page.
IconS statusoranje Orange Page is live, there are unpublished changes.
IconS statusrood Red Page is not live. The page must be published first

Page characteristics

By clicking the IconS Eigenschappen icon, you can change the characteristics of the pages.



Name: Name of the page
Saved in folder: Select location of the page (folder structure)
Move? - Select a folder: Move page to a new folder
Secure page: Make page secure

Secured pages

After creating the link in the menu, the page has yet to be made and the groups that have rights are added to the page.

• Go to Website Management 2 in the main menu.
• Go to the Pages item.




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This page was last updated on: 3 August 2018