My Captain - Forum



The e-Captain Forum is a forum that can be used within the website of your organization and can be accessed via my e-Captain login details. A forum is an online discussion platform where someone creates a topic within a category and others can respond to it.




To use this functionality a link must be placed on the webpage of the association and the member must have login details for the My Captain section of the website. The Forum is already included in the standard My Captain menu. If you use the default My Captain menu on your website, you do not have to add this link anymore.

Adjust systempage My Captain Forum

You only have to link the My Captain Forum system page to your own menu.

  • Click on Website Management 2 in the main menu.
  • In the submenu, select the Menus item
  • Select the appropriate menu to which the link must be added. (link is already added to standard My Captain menu)
  • Click on the IconM hamburgericon to view the menu items overview.




  • Click on the IconS Plusje  icon to add a new item. 




  • Name the menu item.
  • Click Searchk to add a link. 




  • Select the Page type.
  • Choose the My Captain folder.
  • Select the Forum item to link the system page to the menu item.



Link to own website

If the website is made in a package other than e-Captain, the administrator of the website can add the following link to his own website:

The name is used as the name of the e-Captain account of the association, see example below:



Forum overview


List of categories

On the forum overview you will see few things. At the top you will find a bar (in the rest of the manual we call this the Breadcrumbs bar) where you can see where you are at that moment. This changes as soon as you go to another page.

Below that is a list of all active categories. In that list, the name of the category is given on the left and below that a short description of what the category is about. To the right of that you can see the number of topics in that category and also the total number of posts within all the topics in that category. Finally, you can see who posted the last message in that category and on what date and time that happened.

Latest 5 posts
At the bottom left of the page is a list with the latest 5 posts.




This list shows th time there was responded to a subject for the last time, behind it you can see the name of the subject. The subject that was responded to lastly is always shown on top. .

Actual statistics

Below that, you can see the actual statistics. You can see if categories, subjects and messages are place on the forum. You can also see how many members are online at the forum.


Search the forum

Below the forum you have the possibility to place a searchquery within the messages. 



The results are shown in a comparable overview as the results of the Search systempage Search.



Subject overview

Start new subject

  • Click a  Category to start a new subject. 



New post



  •  At the top of this page you will see the breadcrumbs bar again. Here you can see in which category or message you work.
  • Below that you will see a button with the possibility to start a new topic. This is only possible if you have sufficient rights for this. If you do not have sufficient rights for the category in question, you will be notified about this:



List of topics

Below you will see a table with all the topics in the category you have chosen. The table is divided into 3 columns.




  • The first column shows the name and startdate of a subject. Like the icons, if a subject is marked as important  icons-belang or closed icons-close .
  • At the right shows the amount of responses to a subject.
  • The last column shows the last person that posted a message, and it's date.

Get the most out of e-Captain!

e-Captain has a very extensive Member Management package. We offer several basic trainings which teach you to work with e-Captain in an accessible way.  The trainings take place at our office in  's-Hertogenbosch.

View our trainings



To be able to support you optimally, it can be easy to look with you on your computer from a distance. We use TeamViewer to do this. TeamViewer makes it possible to take over your computer from a distance.

 Download TeamViewer


This page was last updated on: 1 August 2018