With the systempage Mail-a-friend a pop-up page opens that makes it able to open a page by using an e-mail. This page only opens together with the Shared button E-mail widget Sharebuttons
You can place a part buttons widget on the website. This Sharebuttons widget has a number of part buttons for the well-known social media sites. This widget also contains an e-mail button. By setting this button, the system page Mail-a-Friend is automatically addressed when the button is clicked.
e-Captain has a very extensive Member Management package. We offer several basic trainings which teach you to work with e-Captain in an accessible way. The trainings take place at our office in 's-Hertogenbosch.
To be able to support you optimally, it can be easy to look with you on your computer from a distance. We use TeamViewer to do this. TeamViewer makes it possible to take over your computer from a distance.