News items



 Laatste X nieuwsberichten

A separate section within Website Management is the News items. With news reports you can keep your website up-to-date and show on your website what is going on in your organization.

You create news reports in the News Items section. You can use the news overview system page and the Latest X news items widget to place the news items on your website.

Create new categories

To create different categories for the news reports, do the following:
  • Select the Management Center from the main menu
  • Click on the Site management 2 component
  • Select the Manage news categories setting



laatstenieuwsitems-035 Add news category
laatstenieuwsitems-036 Edit news category
laatstenieuwsitems-037 Delete news category


  • Click on the + icon to create a new category for the news items.



  • Enter a name, color and description for the new category.
  • The color is displayed to the left or right of the image in the widget if the widget Show Category Color and Show Image On.
  • You can also make a news category to make certain types of news items visible only to logged-in members
  • Then click the Save button to return to the category overview.

Create news items

Newsmessages can be created through Newsmessages.

berichten worden aangemaakt via het item News items.

  • Click Site management 2
  • Choose News items



  • With the navigation on the top side of this table, you can sort for year, month and category.
laatstenieuwsitems-002 MS Excel overview news items
laatstenieuwsitems-003 Add news item
laatstenieuwsitems-004 Preview image
laatstenieuwsitems-036 Edit news item
laatstenieuwsitems-006 Delete news item


  • Click on the IconS Plusje icon to create new news items.




  • Give a Name and Category for this newsmessage.
  • The URL will be created automatically, but can be changed.

news-items-05 Add image
news-items-06 Name author
news-items-07 Author e-mail
news-items-08 Source name
news-items-09 Source website
news-items-10 Publication start
news-items-11 Publication stop

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This page was last updated on: 22 May 2018