Membership tab


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  1. Membership tab

Membership tab

The Membership Tab shows when a membership started. It also shows whether the member is active  and what the member does, e.g. sailing, surfing or boating. The tab also shows if the member is an active member by way of functions or jobs in which the member is actively engaged.


Invoicing ($): You can show here that the member can be invoiced and can receive invoices. This function is effective when a membership form is linked to the member (membership type) or in case a manual subscription has been entered (see manual subscription); also in case items or objects are linked to the member under planning.

Debtor: The person does not require to be an invoicing member in order to be a debtor.

Direct Debit: You can indicate here that the member can be invoiced and that payment will occur through direct debit (see invoicing) and the member will receive invoices. The invoice will show that “the direct debit will occur within several days”. This is possible if a membership form is linked to the member (see membership type), or when a manual subscription has been completed or in case items or objects are linked to the member under planning.

Bank account number IBAN/BIC: This field is used for the new (IBAN) bank account number of the member. The new BIC number will also be generated here.


An IBAN number consist of the country code, followed by a check digit and bank code plus account number. E-captain calculates if the bank account number is correct, using the check digit. If a number changes, the check digit has to change.

Payment Balance: Imagine that the member has claims becuase he has completed activities for his/her organisation. You can then use this field to indicate if the member’s payments are off-set in case payments must be made to the member. You can select NO or Yes-Bank-1 or Yes-Bank-2.

This way, you can separate payments in- and out.

Member type: This field shows the membership types that you set in e-Captain. You completed this in Membership Administration>Subscriptions>Maintaining memberhip types. If you select the arrow above, you will see a screen with all possible membership types. You select the desired membership type and this is now linked to the member. .

Manual subscription: If you complete an amount here, it will be used as the subscription fee for this member. For further explanations, see Membership Administration>Subscription>Maintaining membership type. You can create membership groups here and decide what the subscription fee is.

Invoicing preference: You can set the invoicing preference for email, private email, work email or other. In case ‘other’ is used, you can add a different email address for invoicing.

Start date: Select here on what date the member becomes an active member of the organisation.

Finish date: Select here on what date the member seizes active membership of the organisation. After this date, the member will automatically become a retired member.

Registration date: Complete here on what date the member has subscribed. This can be a date several months before the membership actually begins.

Cancellation date: Complete here the date on which you received the cancellation notice from the member. This can be a date several months before the membership actually seizes.

There are a few fields left that can be used to record relevant information for the organisation:

Club magazine Does the member receive a club magazine or only the family head?
Business Is this a person with his own business
Comments Extra memo field
Send reminder Are invoice reminders allowed to be sent
Debtor Is this a debtor
Invoicing preference How is the invoice sent

It is important to indicate if a member must be registered with the national body. You cannot have active members, sponsors, or others that you do not intend to register with the national body. This way, you can see commissions, governance, functions etc. from the membership administration. This information is also captured in standard lists under the menu under Reports. This is interesting for the members because it tells them who they have to approach for activities etc. You can also create a web page that you publish on your website. The website is after all built into the membership administration. This allows you to generate web pages very simply and publish these on your website. This creates a robust interface between membership and website.


Get the most out of e-Captain!

e-Captain has a very extensive Member Management package. We offer several basic trainings which teach you to work with e-Captain in an accessible way.  The trainings take place at our office in  's-Hertogenbosch.

View our trainings



To be able to support you optimally, it can be easy to look with you on your computer from a distance. We use TeamViewer to do this. TeamViewer makes it possible to take over your computer from a distance.

 Download TeamViewer


This page was last updated on: 30 July 2018