


A website without a menu is actually one page that contains information that you scroll through if it contains more information than your screen can show at once. Your website can also contain so much information that it can not be presented on a page because otherwise you have to scroll a lot or because, for example, the information is so diverse that it breaks down into different parts. It is better to use a menu in which you name the different components separately.

By using a menu you can also suddenly jump to that part or to the page you want to go to. The website is organized by dividing information into pages. In this version of the CMS you can use multiple menus. You may, for example, have a main menu on the website and also a menu on the page. So you can create two or more menus if needed. Webmasters will do that to further divide the information into, for example, chapters that are clearer and logically arranged.

Basic definitions menu

The menu has become a widget within the new CMS that can be placed anywhere within your website. The settings are placed in a separate item in the submenu of Website Management 2.


  • In the main menu, select Websitemanagement 2.
  • Click on the Menus item in the submenu.




IconS Plusje Add Add menu
IconS Detail Example View menu
IconS Edit Edit Change menu
IconS Delete Delete Delete menu
IconM hamburger Menu items Change menu items

Menu settings and theme

In addition to the standard menu that you will find directly in e-Captain, you can create menus yourself that you want to use on the website or in pages.


  • Click on the IconS Plusje icon to create a new menu.



Menu name
 :here you give in the name of the new menu. 


An optional short text in the menu on the left. The title you give in will be shown on each page where you use the menu. 


EAn optional image on the left side of the menu. You can add an image instead of a title.


Horizontally / Vertically. How the menu is shown on the page. 



  • Menu position: The location and display of the menu.
  • Default: menu is shown in the row you specify in the layout.
  • Always at the top: menu is at the top of the page and always visible at the top of the screen.
  • Always at the bottom: menu is at the bottom of the page and always visible at the bottom of the screen.
  • Top: menu is at the top of the page but when scrolling on a page it is no longer visible.




Menu alignment: Left, Center, Right



Use padding:  Yes/No. Without side space, the menu can be used over the full width of the row.





Pre-set colors: The e-Captain standard colour themes can be loaded in the menu. If you choose Adjust you can create your own colourtheme.  




Gradient: Apply a gradient to the menu. 



Searchbar: Yes/No. Place a searchar on the right side of the menu. 



Border: Here you can set the thickness and color of the frame surrounding the menu.




Textcolor, backgroundcolor, lettertype: This section of the menu settings involve textcolor, backgroundcolor and lettertypes. 




Down here, you can see an example of the settings shown above. After setting the theme of the menu, you can set all menu items.



Create menu items

Now that the settings and color theme for the menu has been defined, you can add menu items to the menu.

  • From the main menu, select Website Management 2.
  • Click on Menus in the submenu.
  • Click on the hamburger icon to open the screen below.


  • Click on the IconS Plusje icon to create a new menu item. 
  • You have a few options in the Change menu item screen.



Type of menu item
Link of tussenregel (tussenregel in het menu is een opsplitsing tussen de menu items)
Name* Naam van het menu item
Link Kies een type link uit de uitklap lijst. (pagina, nieuwsbericht, externe link, fotoboek, et cetera)
Icon Een icoon dat te koppelen is aan het menu item
Open with
Open de link in hetzelfde venster of in een nieuw venster
Closed item
Mogelijkheid om het menu item besloten te maken voor een bepaalde groep leden. Het item wordt pas zichtbaar nadat men is ingelogd
Hide when logged in?
Mogelijkheid om het menu item te verbergen als de leden zijn ingelogd
  • Klik op de knop Zoek om een type link in te voegen.



  • Choose a type of link in the drop down menu. In this example we choose Page. By choosing page, e-Captain shows the map structure.



  • Select the right page and click Insert. 




  • Add an icon to the menu if you want and save.




Adjust Menu items

If you created the menus and submenus, it could be that you''ld like to change their order or add something.

  • Click within Menus on the IconM hamburger icon to adjust the menu items. 
  • In the screen below you see an example of a few menu items.

Multi column submenu

To create a submenu, you also have the option to create a submenu consisting of multiple columns, the multi column submenu.


Menu 027


To create a multi column submenu, click on the yellow plus in the menu to create a new menu item. Select the "Multi column submenu" option and enter the parameters. You can always adjust this later. Then drag the multi column submenu to the right place in your menu. Click on the left edit icon to add menu items to the multi column submenu.


Menu 028


You can add a new item per column with the yellow plus. There you have the choice of adding a title or link. Items can be dragged to the right place with drag and drop. Also to another column.


Menu 029


Menu example

After you have created all menu items and changed the appearance via the settings, you can view them before you place the menu on the website.

  • Click on  Menus on the IconS Detail icon to look at the menu


Place menu widget

To display the new menu on the website, we need to add it to a page or to a layout. In the layout, the menu is shown on all pages. But you can also choose to place a unique (sub) menu on each page.

  • Click on Website Management 2 in the main menu.
  • Select Layout or Page from the submenu.
  • Click the green New widget button.




  • Move your mouse over the green block New widget. You will see that the mouse pointer changes to a drag icon.
    • Hold down your left mouse button and drag the green block New widget downwards where you want the new widget in your page.



  •  Release the left mouse button at the location where you want to place the new widget within your page.
    • You will see a pop-up on the screen where you can indicate which widget you want to place in the page.
    • Select the Menu widget.



• In the pop-up that opens you can link the correct menu to the row.
• Click the Save button to link the menu and return to the layout or page.



  • The new menu has been added to the row and also shows the created menu items in this view.



After you have published the unpublished changes via the navigation menu, the new menu will be immediately visible on the page.


Secured menu items

In addition to private files and pages, it is also possible to make menu items within e-Captain. As a result, the pages or files that are linked under the relevant menu items are not visible until you have logged in with the My Captain login details.


  • Click on Website Management 2 in the main menu.
  • In the submenu, select the Menus item
  • Select the appropriate menu from which menu items have to be made.
  • Click on the IconM hamburger icon to view the menu items overview.




  • Click the IconS Edit icon behind the menu.
  • Change Closed item? from No to Yes.



  • Click: Click here to manage access.


• In the pop-up that is opened, an overview of all created groups of the organization is visible.
• Check which groups have rights for the relevant menu item.
• Then click the Save button.



  • By using the lock in front of the menu item, you can see directly which menu items are closed and which aren't.


Menu with Seperation bar

Menu with Icons

Menu with frame, logo en text

Menu with searchbar

Menu with color gradient background

Logo + Text + Background


Get the most out of e-Captain!

e-Captain has a very extensive Member Management package. We offer several basic trainings which teach you to work with e-Captain in an accessible way.  The trainings take place at our office in  's-Hertogenbosch.

View our trainings



To be able to support you optimally, it can be easy to look with you on your computer from a distance. We use TeamViewer to do this. TeamViewer makes it possible to take over your computer from a distance.

 Download TeamViewer


This page was last updated on: 6 August 2018