Search screens


Define search screens

You can use the standard membership administration screens or you can define search screens yourself. In search screens, you can add or remove fields to and from the standard search screen or create a personal search screen.

  • Select Membership Administration in the main menu
  • On the right-hand side of the drop-down box Standard screen, select the IconS_Zoekscherm icon to open the following screen..


IconS_Plusje Add a search screen
IconS_Edit Change a search screen
IconS_Delete Remove a (personal) search screen
IconS_Groen Make search screen standard (default)
IconS_Geel Make search screen NOT standard (or default)




Creating personal screens

  • Select the  IconS_Plusje icon to create a personal search screen.



  • Give the personal search screen a name and decide which fields will be used as search filters.
  • Drag these fields from the left-hand column Available fields to the right-hand column Linked fields.
    • Highlight the correct field in the left column.
    • Hold down the left mouse button and drag the filed to the righ-hand column. Release the mouse button when the filed is in the location where you would like to have it in your search screen.


  • Select Save.



Set search screen

  • To make the just created search screen the standard search screen (default), select the IconS_Geel icon. The icon will change colour to  IconS_Groen and this screen will open as default whenever you select membership administration search screens.



  • If you decide not to use the created search screen as default but use it occasionally, then you can achieve this by using the drop-down box Standard screen.


  • Selecting the arrow to the right of the drop-down box, you can see the just created search screen.




Search screens through the report generator


In the report generator, you can indicate if a report must be available as search screen. You can create reports yourself which you can alos use as search screens.

  • Select Membership administration from the main menu
  • Select Report generator from the sub menu
  • Select the report that you would like to use as  search screen
  • Check the Search screen? box


If you open the drop-down box of the search screens in membership administration, you can see the search screen that you created in the report generator in the summary list. The screen shows the same information as a normal report, except that you can now ‘flip pages’ and search.


You can find more information about the report generator in this document.


Protecting search screens

By using the protection option in the report generator, you can hide the search screen for other e-Captain users.

  • Select Membership administration from the main menu
  • Select Report generator in the sub menu
  • Select the report you intend to protect


  • Check the Protected? (Shielded? in some versions) box.
  • Next select the Rights button to give access rights to the report/search screen to selected members.

You can find more information about the report generator in this document.




Get the most out of e-Captain!

e-Captain has a very extensive Member Management package. We offer several basic trainings which teach you to work with e-Captain in an accessible way.  The trainings take place at our office in  's-Hertogenbosch.

View our trainings



To be able to support you optimally, it can be easy to look with you on your computer from a distance. We use TeamViewer to do this. TeamViewer makes it possible to take over your computer from a distance.

 Download TeamViewer


This page was last updated on: 30 July 2018