Member management general


Member management buttons

Member Administration

The purple menu buttons occur where major operations are needed. They occur in all sections of e-Captain. In Member Administration they are used for a variety of tasks.


New Create a new member/business
Change collectively Collectively change or delete groups / link articles and more options
To reports Send member details to a report
To Mailing Send mailing to a selection of members
  • Using a drop down menu it is possible to make selections of members.


  • In this example, the main group is Management  and the subgroup is Managing director. 


  • The orange menu bar includes a number of search fields. Fields include: name, postcode, membership number, etc.


  • By clicking on the corresponding names of the search screen items, it is possible to sort them. The example below is sorted by membership number. The black arrow indicates which column is being used to sort.


  • The light orange buttons appear in the contact card once a member card is opened for editing.


Save Save information
Print Print members card
Delete Delete members card
Not member/Make member Switch status between member/not member
Company Convert to a company card
Creditor Make a debtor also a creditor
Back Return to previous screen/tab


Creating links between features is a standard feature in e-Captain. This enables links to be made between members, between companies, and between members and companies. Using these links, you can quickly see relationships between members who pay for others, whether a company is paying for members or an individual pays for their family. There are a number of buttons to establish these relationships if the tab Links (in member’s card) is open, or the Contacts tab in company card.


Partner Link a partner to this person
Parent Link a parent to this person
Child Link a child to this person
Other Link a different relation to this person (e.g. grandparent, step-parent, aunt, uncle, etc.)

Address buttons

e-Captain has a layered structure for addresses. Any address can only exist once in e-Captain, because there is an address database working in the background in which all known addresses are listed. Via Administration> Members Directory> you can remove duplicates, clean-up and edit addresses. On the Addresses tab you will find buttons Edit, Link/unlink, and find addresses on Google Maps.


Navigation buttons

  • Below the membership card you will see a row of arrow icons. These allow you to navigate to the previous or next page, or the first or last page.



  • You will also notice these buttons in the members list on the main Member Administration page.



IconS_selectall Select all (main Member Administration page)
IconS_Omdraaien Invert selection (main Member Administration page)
IconS_Zoekscherm Search screens

Get the most out of e-Captain!

e-Captain has a very extensive Member Management package. We offer several basic trainings which teach you to work with e-Captain in an accessible way.  The trainings take place at our office in  's-Hertogenbosch.

View our trainings



To be able to support you optimally, it can be easy to look with you on your computer from a distance. We use TeamViewer to do this. TeamViewer makes it possible to take over your computer from a distance.

 Download TeamViewer


This page was last updated on: 30 July 2018