Free fields tab


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  1. Algemeen


In e-Captain, you can create a tab yourself with fields that you wish to use for membership registration. You can capture information here that would be missing from standard e-Captain tabs, or additional membership information that you wish to capture.

You can use the report generator to view/edit this information and decide on print options. When you define the fields, the names that you select will show in this tab.

  • Select Management Centre in the main menu
  • Select Membership management
  • Select Maintenance empty fields


Because you determine yourself what will be included, we cannot specify how to complete the tab. The organisation’s e-Captain administrator or the person/people who allocate fields here know what is intended. It will often be so that the selected field names are so logical that the name will indicate precisely what has to be completed.

You have the following options:

Text fields Fields where you add a name
Memo fields A scratch pad function
Date fields Linked with a calendar
Number fields Whole numbers
Decimal fields Amounts
Yes/No fields Turning something on or off

In total, you can create 42 fields and allocate these in such a way as the organisation would like to see the information.

Imagine that you would like to know the hobbies of members and/or if members have a sailing license.

In addition, you would like to know which members have truck drivers license or if they are technically skilled. In that case we need 4 extra fields to collect this information. Create those as follows:

  • Go to Yes/No fields.


  • All fields are followed by field name boxes.
  • In these, you can enter the field nameas you wish to see it in the Free fields tab.
  • Following the first field you enter Sailing license 1 and 2.
  • You cannot change the length of this field as it is predetermined.


You can allocate field length for text fields.

  • Go to a date field that you wish to use to indicate when a member got his/her sailing license.
  • Following the first date filed, you enter the name Sailing License.
  • As dates have a set length, you do not have to enter a field length here.
  • Select Save.
  • In the top half of the screen you will now see 2 fields, with an down arrow to the left of hobby and an up arrow to the left of date.


Using these arrows, you can sort the order of the fileds to the way you intend to see them.

  • First however, create the fields for truck license and technical skills.
  • Create a yes/no field for truck license.
  • Also create a yes/no field for technical skills.
  • lastly, we create a memo field for additional information.


Once these fields have been created, you will see that four of the six fields (not the top and bottom ones) have up and down arrows. You can relocate the bottom filed upwards. You can relocate the top field downwards. As soon as a field has been relocated you will get an up and down option to relocate.

You can relocate all fields up- or down, except the top and bottom fields. You can experiment a little and will soon get the hang of it. You will find the fields that you have selected here back in the tab for every member within the administration.

Using the report generator, you can now create lists and sort these based on the information in the fields that you have just created.



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This page was last updated on: 30 July 2018