Adding a new member


Adding a new member

To add new members to the membership summary:

  • Select Membership Administration from the main menu.
  • In Membership Administration, select the New button to add new members.
  • Select New Member from the drop down menu.





A tab opens up in which you can type the basic information of the new member. This is essentially the name of the member and the salutation to be used in letters and emails.


  • It is important to add the date of birth.
  • Once completed as far as possible, select Save.

After saving the basic information, you will see the membeer with additional tabs added. By completing these tabs, you can add all relevant information required for your membership administration.


Each tab contains specific member information. This allows an uncluttered view of the member and relevant information, facilitating searches for information.

  • Select the right tab and you will see the right information.

Contact Tab

You can add the new member’s phone numbers (home and work). The same goes for fax number, mobile phone numbers, email addresses and websites.


Addresses Tab

You can add a new address of the member here.


The member may also be a family member of which the family address is already entered.

  • In that case, select Link.
  • This will show the table with all existing addresses in the administration.
  • You can select the address that you would like to link.


You will be asked if you are certain that you would like to link the selected address.

  • Select Yes if the selected address is correct.
  • Select No if the selected address is incorrect and return to the table with addresses.
  • After selecting Yes, the address will be linked to the member that you are adding.

This way, each address appears only once in the administration and facilitates ease of maintenance. In the first column, you can see how often the address has been used in the administration.


  • In case you linked an incorrect address, you can delete the link by using the Unlink button.
  • This may also happen when a member moves from address. This will require a new address in the administration.
  • If you would like to delete a linked address (Unlink) you will be asked for confirmation (Unlink?).


  • When confirmed (Yes), the address will be deleted. In case the answer is No, the address remains.

It is possible that one family member moves address while the others remain at the old address, In this case you will add a new address.

e-Captain facilitates an automatic sanitation of addresses that are no longer used in the administration. It will also automatically delete double addresses that arise from importing other address systems. All members that are known at the same address will be automatically linked to that address when other address systems are imported.




Allocating numbers manually

Allocating membership numbers manually

When adding a new member, the system will allocate a standard membership number. This membership number is based on the last membership number plus one. If you would like to allocate membership numbers manually, you can do so by:

  • Select Management Center from the main menu
  • Select Membership management
  • Select Settings mamber management
  • Remove the tick from the Automatic membership numbers?


  • When adding a new member, the system will now not automatically allocate a membership number.


  • If you select the  IconM_nummer button, the system will automatically allocate a membership number.



Get the most out of e-Captain!

e-Captain has a very extensive Member Management package. We offer several basic trainings which teach you to work with e-Captain in an accessible way.  The trainings take place at our office in  's-Hertogenbosch.

View our trainings



To be able to support you optimally, it can be easy to look with you on your computer from a distance. We use TeamViewer to do this. TeamViewer makes it possible to take over your computer from a distance.

 Download TeamViewer


This page was last updated on: 30 July 2018