My Captain tab


Table of contents

  1. General
  2. Change Password


In the My Captain Tab you can find your username and change your password.


Change Password

If a member forgets his/her password or username, they can ask for it by clicking the link "forgot password and/or username" on the website.

In the My  Captain tab you can send new login data by e-mail; click on the purple button to do so.  With the button "set" you can give the member the possibility to set a new password. A passwor should contain 8 characters, of which 1 capital, 1 small letter and 1 digit.

We strictly advise you to use th option: e-mail me new login.



Get the most out of e-Captain!

e-Captain has a very extensive Member Management package. We offer several basic trainings which teach you to work with e-Captain in an accessible way.  The trainings take place at our office in  's-Hertogenbosch.

View our trainings



To be able to support you optimally, it can be easy to look with you on your computer from a distance. We use TeamViewer to do this. TeamViewer makes it possible to take over your computer from a distance.

 Download TeamViewer


This page was last updated on: 30 July 2018