Group 1-1 and Group 1-N



Querying several groups from the membership administration can sometimes be a bit of a mission. It is important to know exactly what it is that you want to find and how to formulate the query correctly. Using several examples, we will try to explain the difference between 1-1 and 1-N queries.

Query demand Group 1-1 Group 1-N
Group A member Correct Correct
Group B member Correct Correct
Group A or B member Correct Correct
Group A and B member Incorrect Correct
Group A member, non-member group B Incorrect Correct
Non-member group A and B Incorrect Correct

Why still use the 1-1 query if group 1-N always returns the desired result? It is better to use 1-1 if you intend to display the Group or Group item on the report. This is caused by the different way in which a 1-1 query functions from a 1-N query.

For example, somebody is a included in several groups, one of which is the Coach group. The 1-1 query will also display the group coach in the report.

Result query 1-1



The Group 1-N query displays the same names but the Group and Group item fields can be random.

Result query 1-N


  • You can compare the 1-1 query with it must be this group.
  • You can compare the 1-N query with must be a member of this group

Groups list and group items list

The report generator has been expanded with Group list 1-N and Group item list 1-N. This allows you to select more than one group or items simultaneously instead of one group or one item only.


Examples query 1-1 en 1-N

In this file:  Rapportgenerator 1-1 1-N you'll find multiple examples.


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This page was last updated on: 30 July 2018