Add trial member


Create a member type

In e-Captain it is possible for a potential member to register via a registration form. You can choose to become a member or become a trial member for a certain period of time. How to set this in e-Captain is explained in this document.
• Click on Management Center in the main menu.
• Select Subscription fee.
• Click on the Maintain member type item.




  • Click  IconS Plusje icon to add a new member.
  • Call the member type trial member.




  • At the bottom of this screen is the option Test member Yes / No. If this option is set to YES, additional options will appear in this screen. With these options the duration of the trial membership and any reminders can be set.



• Using reminders, it is possible to inform the test member in time that the trial membership is coming to an end. These memories are not standard in e-Captain. You will have to create these yourself in the Mailing module in the Templates folder. You can read how to create this on the Create mailing page.

• Specify a term for sending the first and any second reminder.
• Click the Search button to link the reminder.
• Select the created reminder in the pop-up.




  • Click insert to link a notification to the selected period.




  • Save to create the membership.

Mycaptain settings trial member

  • • Click on Management Center in the main menu.
    • Select the My Captain item.
    • Click on General settings.
    • Under the heading My Captain settings you will find a setting for the trial membership.




  • Now you can turn off all other member types for new members. You force people to become a trial member first this way.
  • You see the choices below if you choose YES. This makes a new member always a trial member.




  • This is what you see when you choose NO. Now it's up to the member to decide what kind of member they want to become.



rights Mycaptain trial member

If the Test member item (for Test membership) is set to YES, it is possible to indicate via My Captain settings that there are limited rights. By default there are no restrictions for trial members in the My Captain members section.




  • • Click on Management Center in the main menu.
    • Select the My Captain item.
    • Click on General settings.
    • Under the heading Access control you will find the different My Captain parts.



  • Click this  icon-slot icon to assign rights to a My Captain part.



• In this screen you can assign rights per group for a particular My Captain component. It is also possible to give All logged in relationships (everyone) rights to this part. This also allows all test members in this part.
• To prevent this, click the Checked in relations with the exception of test members box.



• As a result, the current members may continue to view / approach this part, but the test members will not.

Register Trial membership

If a member registers through the registration form on the website of your association, this member will see a similar form.




  • If the new member clicks on the Send button, the member will receive an e-mail with a successful completion of the form. The new member must still confirm the membership by clicking on the link in the e-mail message.




  • • The member administration receives a new External mutation in the member management screen.

    • Click on Member management in the main menu.
    • At the top of the member management main screen you will see the new External mutation ready




  • Click on the External change link and view the information of the new member.
    • It is possible that the trial member already exists in the membership administration of your association. Then you can find this under the Matches header.
    • Click the correct member and click the Merge button





  • If it's a new member that's not in the system, check all the data and select Accept mutations.




  • Confirm Would you like to accept the selected changes with YES.




  • You know the changes have been accepted if you see the following notification.



Change membership to member

A member receives a reminder a few days before the trial membership expires. If the member does not take any action, the trial membership automatically expires and the member in e-Captain becomes an Old Member. e-Captain automatically checks every day whether a trial membership expires, if this is the case, then a stop date is automatically entered on the membership tab of the membership card. Should the trial member choose to convert the trial membership to a full membership, the trial member must register on the members section of your website.

• Register on the website of your association, with the data from the e-mail message of the registration.
• Select the heading Change name and address details.
• Click on the Membership tab.




    • Choose a member type that is offered by the association (youth member, adult member, etc.)
    •  Click the Continue button and then click Finish.
    • Because of this change from the trial membership to a permanent membership, the membership administration receives a new External mutation in the member management overview. This must again be authorized by the membership administration.
    • Go to Member management in the main menu.
    • At the top of the page click on the waiting External mutation.




  • Here you can see that the member was in the original Trial Member and changed it to Member.
  •  If this is correct, click the Accept transactions button.
  • The membership card of the member concerned will now indicate that the member is a Lead member.




Get the most out of e-Captain!

e-Captain has a very extensive Member Management package. We offer several basic trainings which teach you to work with e-Captain in an accessible way.  The trainings take place at our office in  's-Hertogenbosch.

View our trainings



To be able to support you optimally, it can be easy to look with you on your computer from a distance. We use TeamViewer to do this. TeamViewer makes it possible to take over your computer from a distance.

 Download TeamViewer


This page was last updated on: 30 July 2018