Calculate manual subscription fees


Calculate manual subscription fees

  • In the main menu select Management Centre.
  • Select Subscription fees.
  • Click on Setting subscription fees.
  • Here you can choose whether you want to use Automatic subscription fee rules.



  • If you choose NO, then you will need to calculate the subscription fees manually, and connect individual items to the membership card.

Creating items

  • In the main menu select Member Management.
  • In the submenu select Item management.
  • Create a new subscription item. In this document you will find more information about creating items.



  • Link items to a member by opening the membership card under Member management.
  • In the membership card go to the tab Items.
  • Click on Link item and choose the correct item in the pop up screen. (In the example above, “Subscription fee adults 2016/2017”).
  • Click on OK to link the item to the member.


  • Now, when you create invoices this item will be charged to the member.

Get the most out of e-Captain!

e-Captain has a very extensive Member Management package. We offer several basic trainings which teach you to work with e-Captain in an accessible way.  The trainings take place at our office in  's-Hertogenbosch.

View our trainings



To be able to support you optimally, it can be easy to look with you on your computer from a distance. We use TeamViewer to do this. TeamViewer makes it possible to take over your computer from a distance.

 Download TeamViewer


This page was last updated on: 30 July 2018