Import members


Import members into e-Captain

Warning! e-Captain can only import from the first tab in your MS Excel file!


Large groups of people or companies can be quickly imported into e-Captain through a members or contacts file in the form of an MS Excel file. In the chapter available fields you will find the fields that are available for the import. For the Import within e-Captain, the first column (A1) of the MS Excel document must begin with member no (without point). The first row of the MS Excel file must consist of field names, this is the header.

  • You must ensure that unique member numbers are listed in the A column.



  • Go to the Management Centre in e-Captain.
  • Select the Import option.
  • Then choose Import people, the screen below will be opened.



  • Here you must indicate whether the import concerns New relationships or Additional data.
  • If you want to add new members, but the membership number already exists, this will not be possible.
  • If a membership number already exists, under the Additional Information option, the contact card of this member will be added/updated with the data from the MS Excelsheet.
  • Click here on the Browse button to select your MS Excel document. Via the explorer you can find and select the MS Excel file on your computer.
  • Click Open at the bottom of the screen.
  • If the file is selected and added, click on the Send button.




  • Check the columns and adjust if necessary. If you use the same field names in your MS Excel document as in this document, e-Captain will automatically link them.
  • Click the Import button!



  • Click the Import! button to actually import your MS Excel file into e-Captain.



  • You have now imported your MS Excel document with the members. Your members should be added and visible under Member Management.

Address fields Excel

The address fields in e-Captain are divided into Visiting address, Postal address and optionally there is the possibility to add an Invoice address.


Visiting address Postal addres Invoice address (Optional)
Visitingaddr.Address Postaladdr.Adress Invoiceaddr.Address
Visitingaddr.Building Postaladdr.Building Invoiceaddr.Building
Visitingaddr.HouseNo Postaladdr.HouseNo Invoiceaddr.HouseNo
Visitingaddr.HouseNoAddition Postaladdr.HouseNoAddition Invoiceaddr.HouseNoAddition
Visitingaddr.Country Postaladdr.Country Invoiceaddr.Country
Visitingaddr.City Postaladdr.City Invoiceaddr.City
Visitingaddr.Postalcode Postaladdrd.Postalcode Invoiceaddr.Postalcode


In the image below, you can see an example of the Address fields that are available for the import.




If you enter only Address, Postal code, City, etc. as the field name, e-Captain will automatically create a Visitingaddr.##### here.




The fields in the MS Excel document have been given the addition Postaladdr. #####. As a result, the import will immediately recognize the MS Excel field and select the correct e-Captain field name.

The correct e-Captain field names can also be selected manually. Click on the arrow next to the e-Captain field to select a predefined e-Captain field. You must ensure that all address fields have the same name; Postal address, Invoice address or Visit address. Example: If the Postalcode is placed in Postaladdr.Postalcode and the location is in Visitingaddr.City, the address data will not be displayed correctly and will not be complete for a label printer, for example.




Available fields Import Members (persons)

Personal data Possible Values
Member no
Salutation Best / Dear
Direct debit (B1/B2) B1 / B2 (bank1 / bank2)
Direct debit Name
Direct debit City
Bank account number 1
Bank account number 2
Marital status Unmarried, married, cohabiting, divorced
Creditor Yes / No
extension number
Private email 
Work email
Email invoice
Invoicing Yes / No
Invoice preference
Private fax 
Work fax
Date of birth Date
User name
Sex M / F
Magazine Yes / No
Maiden name
Private mobile
Work mobile
Entrepreneur Yes / No
Comments Memo
Date of death Date
Startdate.member Date
Stopdate.member Date (If filled in, this member becomes an old member.)
Titles behind name
Titles before name
Insertion Insertion
First Name
Private website
Visiting address Postaladdress Invoiceaddress (optioneel)
Visitingaddr.Building Postaladdr.Building Invoiceaddr.Building
Visitingaddr.Address Postaladdr.Address Invoiceaddr.Address
Visitingaddr.HouseNo Postaladdr.HouseNo Invoiceaddr.HouseNo
Visitingaddr.HouseNoAddition Postaladdr.HouseNoAddition Invoiceaddr.HouseNoAddition
Visitingaddr.Country Postaladdr.Country Invoiceaddr.Country
Bezoekadr.City Postaladdr.City Invoiceaddr.City
Bezoekadr.Postalcode Postaladdr.Postalcode Invoiceaddr.Postalcode
Bond data (optional) Mogelijke Waarden
Startdat.BOND Datum
Stopdat.BOND Datum
Speciale Velden                        Possible Values
Member (Y/N)                       (if No, is then imported as non-member)
New Group                         *
Place in Board
Place in Commission
Place in Donation
Place in Function
Place in Discount
Place in My Captain
Place in Newsletters
Place in Sponsors
Place in Team
Place in Trainers
Type of member Type member from member management
Creditor Yes / No (with Yes, import as Creditor)


* Place in Group (group name) You choose a group from the drop-down list where you have defined this column for. Expected values are the names of the group items. For example: Place in group board, the MS Excel column for the name of the item group, board member, chairman etc.

* New Group Same as Place in Group, only a group is automatically created with the name of the corresponding column. If a group already exists with this name, it will be used.


Free Fields Possible Values
Additional information Memo
Memo field 1-6 Memo
Date Field 1-6 Datum
number 1-6 Comma number
Number 1-6 Round number
Yes/Nu 1-6 Yes / No
Textfield 1-6
selection field 1-6 *
Sailing license 1&2 Yes / No
Association trainer since Date
Contest / Protest member Yes / No
Big Driving License Yes / No
Sailing competition trainer since Date


The free access to the name means listed in the first row (header). You may not define it in advance.

* Selection field Expected values of choice field items, eg header field Material with items: wood, iron, stone et cetera.

Example Excel file - Import members

We have made an example import document. You can download it below.


Download Excel file - Import members


Get the most out of e-Captain!

e-Captain has a very extensive Member Management package. We offer several basic trainings which teach you to work with e-Captain in an accessible way.  The trainings take place at our office in  's-Hertogenbosch.

View our trainings



To be able to support you optimally, it can be easy to look with you on your computer from a distance. We use TeamViewer to do this. TeamViewer makes it possible to take over your computer from a distance.

 Download TeamViewer


This page was last updated on: 16 August 2018