Import activities



Warning! e-Captain can only import from the first tab of your MS Excel file!

To Import the acivities in to e-Captain Follow the next steps:


  • Select Management Centre in the main menu.
  • Select Import.
  • select then import list of activities



  • The screen below will be opened:




  • Click the Browse button to select your excel file.
  • Select your excel file and click on the open button.
  • Click on the Send button to continue.
  • Check the columns and adjust the valuew if necessary.




  • Then click on the Import! button to continue.
  • Click OK to import your Excel file into e-Captain for real.

Now you have imported your Excel file. You will now receive the following message on your screen, that indicates how many items have been imported from all the items.





Available fields for import activity list



The following fields can be imported. Fields that are not needed for a certain activity can be omitted or left blank.

Fieldname Description Possible Values
Category Here you enter an already existing category within your activities overview. The activity will fall into this category within your calendar.

A pre-existing category for activities
Date Here you can specify the date (start-continuation) of the activity. Do not use a lead 0 (zero) in excel. Date
Continuation  If an activity consists of several days, you have follow-up dates. A follow-up date is, for example, day 2 and / or day 3 of an activity. In this line, enter the start date of the activity with the description of the previous date, the other data are automatically taken from the previous date. Date
Cancel date The date till when the activity can be canceled. Date
Start time The start time of the activity. Text
completion time The completion time of the activity. Text
Minimum number Minimum number of participants in this activity. Number
Maximum number Maximum number of participants in this activity. Number
Minimum age Minimum age for participation in this activity. Number
Maximum age Maximum age for participation in this activity. Number
Description The description or for example the name of the activity. Text
Location Location where the activity takes place. Text
Telephone number of location The telephone number of the location. Telephone number
Email E-mailaddress for more information. E-mailaddress
Website Website for more information. Website address
Start date of publication Start date of publication on the website. Date
End date of publication End date of publication on the website. Date
Start date of registration Start date of the registration period for this activity. Date
End date of the registration End date of the registration period for this activity. Date
Members website Can the members who register, be shown on the website? yes or no
Costs members The costs for members participating in this activity. Number
Costs non-members The costs for non-members participating in this activity. Number
Costs specific members Cost per specific member can also be imported. These must then be linked manually during the import. Number
Detailed info A detailed description of the activity. Text
More info More info will be a link to a C.M.S. page. Enter the ID of the page where you want to link to. (see instruction below). Number
Public or private Is this activity public or private? Public or private
Access If the activity is private, who can access it, only the assigned groups or everyone? Groups or everyone
Mailing 1 ID The ID of the mailing message which must be sent as the first reminder. (see instructions below) Number
Mailing 1 days How many days in advance will the first reminder be sent? Number
Mailing 2 ID The ID of the mailing message which must be sent as a second reminder. (see instructions below) Number
Mailing 2 days How many days in advance will the second reminder be sent? Number
Mailing 3 ID The ID of the mailing message that needs to be sent as a third reminder. (see instructions below) Number
Mailing 3 days How many days in advance will the third reminder be sent? Number

How do I find the ID of a mailing item or CMS page?

You can find the ID of a page or mailing item by hovering over the item in the overview with your mouse. A so-called tooltip will appear in which you can read the ID. In the example below it would be ID 87.

Tip: For reminders, you can use one message that uses variables!




How do I connect teams?

If the teams are known within the group Teams in the member management groups, then these teams can be chosen when creating activities. If you take over these team names exactly, this team will automatically be linked during the import.


Teams that are not found in the teams table will be stored as normal text without a link.

Undo import

The import of activities can be undone if something has gone wrong.


  • Go to the Management Centre in the main menu.
  • Click Import.
  • Select the Import Activities List item.




  • Click on the red cross behind the import to remove the import from the activity list.
  • The message below will appear. Click the OK button.




  • The activities have been removed from e-Captain.



Example import document

We have made an example import document. You can download it below.


Download example import activities Excel document


Get the most out of e-Captain!

e-Captain has a very extensive Member Management package. We offer several basic trainings which teach you to work with e-Captain in an accessible way.  The trainings take place at our office in  's-Hertogenbosch.

View our trainings



To be able to support you optimally, it can be easy to look with you on your computer from a distance. We use TeamViewer to do this. TeamViewer makes it possible to take over your computer from a distance.

 Download TeamViewer


This page was last updated on: 15 August 2018