One-off items


Importing one-off items in e-Captain

Attention! e-Captain can only Import from the first tabsheet in your MS Excel file!

One-off articles are articles that will be connected to a member. To import one-off articles in e-Captain next steps have to be performed:

  • Choose in mainmenu Management Centre.
  • Select Import.
  • Choose then from submenu articles to Import one-off items.



Example screen below will be displayed:



  • Select Browse.. to select your Excel file.
  • Select the Excel file and click on Open.
  • Click on send to continue.
  • Check collumns and adjust values when needed.



  • Select Import! to continue.
  • Then select Ok to finalise the import of your Excel file in to e-Captain. 



You now have succesfully imported your Excel file. An message will apear on your screen that indicates how many files are imported from all files.

Available fields for importing one-off articles

To import within e-Captain the 1 column (A1) of the Excel document needs to start with the field Member no.

If the member no. does not excist in your file, then the article will not be added.




Below you can find all fields that are available to import. If the column number is missing  the value 1 will be used. The MS Excel document can contain prices including or excluding GST (Tax). Make sure you connect the proper fields (Price Incl. or Price Excl.) For selecting the correct GST (Tax) the description has to exactly match decription witin e-Captain.


  • Select in the main menu Management Centre
  • Select Accountancy.
  • Select the item GST Maintenance

The fields Member no. and Article are mandatory. Other fields are optional.


Article-data Possible values
Menber No. Number, mandatory first column 
Article Text, mandatory article decription 
Article No. Number
Number Number, comma separated value
Price Number, comma separated value, amount exclusive or including GST, connect manual to correct field.
GST High, Low, Blanco


Extra article data Possible values
Remark Text, added in field extra info
Ledger  Number, number of Ledger 
Cost center  Number, number of cost center 
Year  Number
Invoicing method  Number, Blanco, 1x, 2x, 4x, 12x
Postpone invoicing  Date
Delivery date  Date
Order on the Invoice Number between 1 and 999, invoice will start on top with number 1


Attention: you can not import additionally one-off articles. If something went wrong, you can go through the menu "maintain" and make the import undone, after that import the file again.


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e-Captain has a very extensive Member Management package. We offer several basic trainings which teach you to work with e-Captain in an accessible way.  The trainings take place at our office in  's-Hertogenbosch.

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This page was last updated on: 16 August 2018