Import contact objects



Before you can import relation objects, you must first define Relationship objects. For this, go to the Management Centre.

  • Go to Rental Objects and select the Define Relation Objects option.

Here you can define different types of relationship objects.

Import contact objects into e-Captain

Warning! e-Captain can only import from the first tab in your MS Excel file!

To import the relationship objects into e-Captain, the following steps must be taken:


  • In the main menu, choose Management Center.
  • Click Import.
  • Then choose in the heading Objects for Importing contact objects.



  • The screen below will be opened:
  • When importing you will be asked what type of object you want to import. If you have not yet defined a relationship object, you must do this first.



  • Click the Browse button to select your excel file.
  • Select your Excel file and click the Open button.
  • Click the Send button to continue.
  • Check the columns and adjust the values if necessary.




  • Then click the Import button! to continue.
  • Click OK to actually import your Excel file into e-Captain.



You have now imported your Excel file. You will now also receive the following message on your screen indicating how many items have been imported from all items.



Available fields for the import contact objects

For the import within e-Captain the 1st column (A1) of the Excel document must start with the field member no.


The first row of the Excel document must consist of the field names, this is the header.




You must ensure that unique member numbers are listed in the A column. The relationship object can only be linked to an existing contact card. If the membership number does not appear in your file, the record will be skipped.


Tip: If you use the same field names in your Excel document as mentioned in this document, e-Captain will automatically know how to link them.


Object data Possible values
Member no Compulsory 1st column
Length Comma number
Width Comma number
Height Comma number
Sports / Recreation Sports or Recreation


Tip: You can define depth in the free fields


Free Fields


Memo field 1- 6
Date field 1- 6
Number 1 – 6 Comma number
Number 1 – 6 Round number
Yes/No 1-6
Selection field 1-8 Expected values in a selection field, the selection field items. For example header field A1 Material with values in A2, A3 etc: wood, polyester, metal etc.
Textfield 1 – 6


The free fields are automatically assigned the name that is listed in the first row (header). You dont have to define this in advance.


Planning data


Planning data Possible values
Planning Exact name of an existing planning
Object no Existing object number from previously indicated schedule
Season (Season, Manual, Summer Season, Winter Season) If blank then season will be used.
Start Planning Start date of the planning (only if season manually)
Stop Planning Stop date of the planning (only if season manually)
Invoicing (blank if Autmatic calculation according to definition (standard), Amount if manual overrule, 0 if not calculated)



Do you want to schedule the object you import directly in the planner? Make sure that you have created your plans first.


  • Go to the Administration Center in the main menu.
  • Click on Rental Objects.
  • Select the Planning Management item.


Example: You want to import boats. First create the category of jetty. Then create the planning for jetty A, jetty B etc. You can create the boxes manually or you can also import them via:


  • In the main menu, choose Administration Center.
  • Click Import.
  • Choose the Rental Objects item.


Do this before importing the boats (relation objects). Make sure that you indicate in your Excel file of the objects in which planning the object should be planned. You can do this in the Planning column. You must also indicate which object the planning belongs to. You can do this in the column Obj. No. (number of the box).




In the example above, you can see:


  • Row 1: The column names of the Excel file.
  • Row 2: The boat Dolphin is linked to the relation with member number 00547. The boat Dolphin is planned in the planning with the name Steiger A and on location A01.

The start and end date of the planning is taken from the group definition "jetty" and therefore does not need to be imported. The Invoicing field is blank. This means that the price is automatically calculated via the definition.


  • Row 3: The boat called Elders is also linked to the relationship with member number 00547. There is no corresponding schedule because the boat is somewhere else. This relationship holds so 2 boats of which the first is located elsewhere.
  • Row 4: The boat Twister is placed in docking station B10. A manual season will be set. The planning runs from 4-5-2007 to 16-7-2007. A fixed price of € 50.5 is calculated. The boat is therefore not automatically calculated but manually overruled.
  • Row 5: The boat Pion is planned for the summer season.
  • Row 6: The same boat Pion is also planned for the winter season. Make sure the dates for the seasons are defined in the category.

Example Excel file - Import contact objects

We have made an example import document for you. You can download it below.


Download Excel file - Import contact objects


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This page was last updated on: 16 August 2018