Appointment planner


Appointment Planner

The appointment planner gives you the possibility to plan a meeting and propose a few data to a group of attendees. They can indicate their preference, where after the organising person will decide the definite date.

  • Choose appointment planner after you choose Contact Info
  • Click on the IconS Plusje icon to make a new appointment.


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  • Fill in your data. The organizer is also used as sender in e-mailcorrespondence.


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The template you want to use for the appointment can be chosen here as well. You can create templates at mailing messages. There's a possibility to use different variable fields. The manual for Styling and Templates can be found :  hier.


  • If you fill in a template at Template responded you'll receive an e-mail on the set e-mailaddress when a participant responds for the first time.

Here you fine an example of a template. You can layout your e-mail as you like. 


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This is an example of how the e-mail looks to the receiver.


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Adding participants

  • After saving the appointment, you return to the main menu.


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You add participants there:

  • Click on this IconS Leden icoon
  • Click on Choose participants


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A list of all participants appears. You can also add participants that are not yet in e-Captain. 


  • Click add to return to the screen you started with.

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  • By clicking on the date icon, you can insert an end date (optionally). 


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 If everything is inserted correctly, you can start inviting. To test if the invitation is as you like, you can start off with sending yourself an invitation.



  • Go to persons --> click on the IconS Leden icon to go to the participants list.
  • Click on Extra mail.


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  • Choose Mailing Template and choose the same invitation.
  • Select your own name and send.


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  • See if the layout is okay if you receive the mail.
  • If it is, use the Invite button to send an e-mail to all participants.
  • If you added people after you've pressed invite, press Invited on to see who hasn't been invited yet.
  • Press Invite again to invite them.


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  • Participants respond by giving their preferences. You can follow the responds with statistics.
  • If all participants responded, the organizer receives a mail with a link to see the outcome.
  • If you have to send an e-mail beforehand, use the Extra Mail button.

Set the appointment

  • Click on the IconS Graph icon to see the state of your appointment.
  • To set an appointment: e-Captain fills the date with the most positive responses.
  • Confirm this by pressing Confirm Date or by clicking Set date and send confirmation mails.


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  • If new people are added after the confirmation was sent, you can see who hasn't ha an e-mail yet by clicking Confirmed.
  • Click confirm afterwards.

Would you like to change the date or resend the confirmation e-mail, press Change Date. You'll now return to the screen shown above. 


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  • You can give in someones preferences if someone is unable to respons through clicking the link.
  • Click the note icon next to the name in the statistics window.

Get the most out of e-Captain!

e-Captain has a very extensive Member Management package. We offer several basic trainings which teach you to work with e-Captain in an accessible way.  The trainings take place at our office in  's-Hertogenbosch.

View our trainings



To be able to support you optimally, it can be easy to look with you on your computer from a distance. We use TeamViewer to do this. TeamViewer makes it possible to take over your computer from a distance.

 Download TeamViewer


This page was last updated on: 30 July 2018