Rights and users


Overview users

At the option Rights/Users in the Home menu, you can manage users within your association. To make changes in this window, you need administrator rights. Within your association there will be determined who receives the rights to make changes.

  • Press Home in the main menu
  • Choose Rights/Users in the submenu
  • You can see the present accounts in the upper overview. Below that you'll find and overview of groups if present.






People marked green are administrators. Other people are regular users.

Characters in the overview give a global overview of which modules an user has rights to.

  • A = Activity module
  • B = Accountancy module
  • C = Contact info module
  • L = Member management module
  • M = Mailing module
  • S = Statistics module
  • W = Website management module


Check and change rights

When you want to change the username or rights of a person, click on the person you want to make changes with and press the purple button change. You will see the following window.


On the left side of this window, you can change the fullname, username and e-mailaddress.

Per part you can set rights for this person. The part you choose on the left side in the menu, will be shown extended on the right. On the right you can check boxes for see, add, change and delete.

Below the extended menu Part on the leftside of the window, you can set a new password for this person if you want to.


You also have the possibility to send the changes to the person involved, by e-mailing this to the given e-mailaddress.

Finally, you see a ticking box that shows if this person is an administrator of the association. An adminsitrator is allowed to change the rights of other members.

Add an user

Adding users is only possible if you have rights to do this.

  • Press Rights/users
  • Choose the purple button New to create a new user.  


  • Fill in the full name, username and e-mailaddress of the new user and press Continue.


Afther this the following screen will open where you can assign the rights to your new user in the same way you would change data of an user.



Delete an user

After removal, an user has no longer access to e-Captain.

  • Click Rights/Users to select an user.
  • Select the user you want to delete and press the purple button Delete user.
  • Before you delete the user permanently, you receive a notifictation if you're sure you want to delete the user.




Answer this question with Yes to permanently delete the user.

Creating groups

It's also possible to create groups with different rights within e-Captain. For example when members need the same rights. In the following example a group of website editors is being created.

  • Click Rights/Users
  • Click in the lower field on the purple button Groups and then New.



  • Name the group and press Continue.


  • Assign the rights to the groups for the different components.
  • Click Save ans Close to close this window.
  • Click within Users on the users that should be added to the group.


  • Press the button Change to change data of the user.
  • The following window will open:


  • Press in the item Section on Manage groupmembership
  • Select the groups the user should be added to.

It's possible to assign  some members that are added to a group extra rights to different modules. Het is mogelijk om aparte leden die zijn toegevoegd aan een bepaalde groep extra rechten te geven op andere modules. If the chief of website editorial needs access to member management as well e.g., it's possible to give this user these rights on user level.

Overview Rightsstructure

To view which members have which rights, it's possible to make a report.

  • Choose Member Management in main menu
  • Click on Reporting in submenu




  • Choose in Systemlists in the first column dor Overview Rightsstructure.



  • Choose in the column Output for the size you want to print/look the report.
  • Select an user or group and click the button : See List to view the rights of this person or group.

Get the most out of e-Captain!

e-Captain has a very extensive Member Management package. We offer several basic trainings which teach you to work with e-Captain in an accessible way.  The trainings take place at our office in  's-Hertogenbosch.

View our trainings



To be able to support you optimally, it can be easy to look with you on your computer from a distance. We use TeamViewer to do this. TeamViewer makes it possible to take over your computer from a distance.

 Download TeamViewer


This page was last updated on: 30 July 2018