Subscription fee settings


Subscription fee settings

To set up the subscription fee selections go to:

  • In the main menu select Management Centre.
  • Select Subscription fees.
  • Select the item Setting subscription fees.


  • The following screen will open:


First there is an important question: are you using automatic subscription fee rules?

  • If you answer NO you do not need to proceed.
  • If you answer YES you can select the following settings:


  • Is there a fixed or variable season? For example, one season is from January 1st to December 31st. Or from September 1st to August 31st. In both cases this would be a fixed year. Subscriptions will run from the beginning of the fixed year.
  • A variable season indicates that the subscription runs from the members joining date. Each member could have a different joining date, so could have a different subscription period.


  • The default setting is for members to pay subscriptions fees in one payment (no instalments). Both Payment Preference options default to  Each year/Once’ (1x)


  • If amounts are linked to a group, (see groups) do these need to be charged in addition to the membership fee, with the same invoice preferences? If you choose YES they will be. If you choose NO they won’t.


  • Calculate groups if amount has been completed? If you check this box, e-Captain checks groups and if groups are linked to amounts, these amounts are added to the item tab (see groups)


  • Calculate groups for non-members? If you check this box, e-Captain checks groups and if groups are linked to amounts, these amounts are added to the item tab – including for NON-MEMBERS.


  • Only calculate subscription fee after start date of the season: For a person whose membership starts after the standard subscription year (01/01/YEAR) a manual one-off item  can be used to process the subscription fee. This also applies to any group amounts.
  • If this is set to YES, then a new item will be automatically created for new members.

Creating and updating subscription fees

This feature allows you to create or edit the subscription fees for the year. The way in which membership fees are determined can be can be found under Subscription Settings.

If a member has already been invoiced for the relevant year they will be skipped. Subscription fee lines will never be duplicated but can be automatically updated if the invoice has not yet been sent.

  • In the main menu select Management Centre.
  • Select Subscription fees.
  • Select the option Create/update subscription fees.
  • Click on the button Create/update.

All subscription fee lines will be created and processed. This only needs to be done once a year. Once you have created/updated fees the following message will appear:




Create/adjust settings

This feature allows you to create or edit the subscription fees for the year. The way in which membership fees are determined can be can be found under Subscription Settings.

If a member has already been invoiced for the relevant year they will be skipped. Subscription fee lines will never be duplicated but can be automatically updated if the invoice has not yet been sent.

  • In the main menu select Management Centre.
  • Select Subscription fees.
  • Select the option Create/update subscription fees.
  • Click on the button Create/update.

All subscription fee lines will be created and processed. This only needs to be done once a year. Once you have created/updated fees the following message will appear:



Undo Creation of Subscription Fees


In this section you can undo the creation of subscription fees and groups.
This option can be used if you discover an error after creating the subscription fees. This can only be undone if the items have not yet been invoiced.

  • In the main menu select Management Centre.
  • Select Subscription fees.
  • Select Undo creation of subscription fees.
  • Select the required subscription fee and click on the  IconS_Delete cross.


  • Confirm the action in the pop up box, if you really do want to delete the subscription fees.




Get the most out of e-Captain!

e-Captain has a very extensive Member Management package. We offer several basic trainings which teach you to work with e-Captain in an accessible way.  The trainings take place at our office in  's-Hertogenbosch.

View our trainings



To be able to support you optimally, it can be easy to look with you on your computer from a distance. We use TeamViewer to do this. TeamViewer makes it possible to take over your computer from a distance.

 Download TeamViewer


This page was last updated on: 30 July 2018